So that companies can make specific business plans under the assumption of freedom to operate, our firm performs advance risk investigations and appraisals in respect of any likely intellectual property infringements so as to avoid that risk. In the event of any likely infringement being found, we are able to provide proposals in areas such as changes to design, viability of business plans, and investigations into reasons for opposition or invalidation of the patent right. Additionally, we are able to prepare written expert opinions or reports on whether or not a specific act of working is an infringement of another’s patent right.
Based upon literature in the public domain related to intellectual property, both within Japan and overseas, our firm is able to conduct investigations concerning novelty, etc. in respect of inventions or similar prior to application filing, as well as investigations into other company's patent related literature prior to business implementation. The results of these investigations can be used in the filing of patent applications, etc. as well as in both objection, or nullification claims and trials.
In respect of application filings, our firm is able to evaluate their novelty by a comparison to known art and also provide proposals that allow for the smooth acquisition of approvals in respect of inventions, devices, designs and trademarks.
As regards objection and nullification claims or trials, our firm is able to provide the support necessary to compile the evidence for a favorable resolution of these claims or trials.
By taking advantage of our particular characteristics as a skilled firm of professionals that is able to both understand the underlying technologies and clearly determine the essence of an invention, etc., our firm is able to make proposals that produce high quality investigation results.
Through patent portfolio analysis, by utilizing an analysis map that is based upon visualization of the patent information that predicts trends in specific technologies as well as the technological trends of competitor companies, our firm is able to provide support for technology development and also provide strategic technology proposals. For example, by analyzing the issues and solution methods underlying specific technologies, our firm is able to support technology strategies.